#FlamesStrong Giving Day for COVID-19 Aid Fund is April 22

April 8, 2020 / Andrea Wenger

#FlamesStrong Giving Day on April 22, 2020, will provide an opportunity for people who are able to give gifts of any size at this time to support Eastern Mennonite School families and general school needs during the COVID-19 shut down. EMS has committed that no family affected by COVID-19 will need to make the difficult decision to withdraw from the school due to inability to meet tuition commitments.

Gifts to a new COVID-19 Aid Fund will allow EMS to continue offering learning opportunities, social and emotional support, and faith formation in a time of social distancing. Thanks to the recently passed CARES Act legislation, gifts to the EMS COVID-19 Aid Fund are eligible for tax relief.

“We are grateful to be uniquely positioned to provide continuity of learning and appropriate emotional and social support during this time of separation,” notes Paul Leaman, head of school.

EMS families — small business owners and employees among them — are facing the same uncertainties that are hitting the nation, he notes. EMS has committed that no family will need to make the difficult decision to withdraw from the school due to inability to meet tuition commitments.

EMS students K-12 began distance learning March 18. Teachers, school counselors and other staff have used web-based tools to create meaningful learning experiences, as well as build community through group meetings, music making, cooking together, making art and more. See all the COVID-19 related news and visit the #FlamesStrong coronavirus page with links to resources from EMS and recommended by EMS for elementary, middle and high school students, as well as parents.

The April 22 #FlamesStrong Giving Day will highlight both monetary and service opportunities.


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