National Honor Society Induction, April 2020

The spring 2020 EMHS National Honor Society induction ceremony moved to a virtual format in light of the school closure due to conroavirus. The virtual induction ceremony included the following letter by Justin King, high school principal, and video comments by Elwood Yoder, NHS sponsor, and Wendy Stapleton, former EMS biology teacher and mother of Abby Stapleton ’20 and NHS member.
High School Students, Parents, and Faculty,
On behalf of Eastern Mennonite School, I would like to officially congratulate and recognize members of our National Honor Society (NHS), including the induction of our new members.
At this point in the year, we would typically have our National Honor Society Induction, an event to pause and recognize the many current and new students who have demonstrated character, scholarship, leadership, and service.
It certainly goes without saying that these are unusual times and our preference would have been to have this event in person. Given the circumstances under COVID-19, we invite you to watch the two videos linked below to honor and recognize the character, scholarship, leadership, and service displayed by these students. Many thanks to Mr. Elwood Yoder and Dr. Wendy Stapleton for their time and messages to students.
More importantly, we want to celebrate the characteristics that are required for students to be in the NHS, and these are traits of which the world is in dire need. Look around you, in your local community and beyond (or SGN with John Krasinksi), and you will find examples of people who share and demonstrate the same values. We see examples of character and service by many in our local community and nation who donate their time and treasure to those in need. We see examples of leadership and scholarship in the health care workers and first responders who are applying their knowledge and research to give the best up-to-date health care, while searching for faster tests and vaccines.
Students, you have proven yourselves to be young men and women of character, scholarship, leadership, and service. During these formative years, we want to pause and recognize those of you who demonstrate these characteristics – not so that you can check off a box on your resume or college application, but because our school community wants to say thank you for demonstrating a commitment to things greater than yourself. In doing so, not only do you model the qualifications for that of NHS, but that of Christ.
Justin King
High School Principal
Click here to watch the Induction Ceremony by Mr. Elwood Yoder, faculty.
Click here to watch the Keynote Address, delivered by Dr. Wendy Stapleton, parent and former faculty member.
NHS Inductees, 2020
Gabriel Albers
Gage Anderson
Shay Bechler
Ryan Brunk
Natalie Clark
Adrienne Cline
Maggie Fairfield
Garrett Gregory
Sam Groff
Arwen Hertzler
Eli Hess
Karla Hostetter
Liam Hughes
Alex Humaniuk
Luke Huyard
Sunny Kim
Harriet King
Rahel Lema
Halie Mast
Emma Myers
Joshua Powell
Ryan Shank
Anna Stempel
Adam Stoltzfus
Lleyton Stutzman
Anna Tieszen
Jenna Weaver
Jack Zhao