Fifth Graders Hear and Share Affirmation at Year End Celebration

June 2, 2020 / Andrea Wenger
Fifth grade graduation program, 2020
Fifth grade graduation program, 2020

Words of support and affirmation were exchanged at the annual fifth grade celebration for Eastern Mennonite Elementary School on June 1, 2020, as part of an annual event to mark the move to middle school.

The 18 students heard words about themselves and shared words about their school.

Maria Archer, K-8 principal affirmed first-year fifth grade teacher Erika Gascho, who stepped into the year ready to embrace existing traditions and create new ones.

Ms. Gascho shared comments about each student individually on the Zoom session. The words came from her, as well as classmates. Some samples:

“You are funny, mischievous and you cheer others up.”
“When I think of you, I see your smile.”
“The way you devour words and books is inspiring.”
“You are honest, creative, positive and amazing.”
“You express your opinions clearly. Your love of literature and art is contagious.”

Other adjectives included: imaginative, bubbly, helpful, deeply empathetic, caring, loyal, creative, trustworthy, eager to learn, adventurous, a leader, and “You enjoy problem solving tasks.”

Each student shared about their experience at EMES, many sharing the top five things they love about their school. Recurring themes included outside learning and play space, caring teachers, “awesome” friends, and “specials” classes (music, art and PE).

Watching a slideshow together of the year was a highlight.

The program included two songs: “Unity,” or “Jesus help us live in peace,” one that the school sang together at its first Gathering in 2005. At the closing, they heard “You shall go out with joy.”

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