Another Successful Discovery Trip

August 2, 2023 / Abigail Cook
Screenshot 2023-08-02 at 11.08.08 AM

Discovery 2023, A Great Success!

After six national parks, a few buses, a dozen tissue boxes, and a lifetime of memories later, the 2023 discovery team returned home on June 24.

The EMS Discovery trip is a month-long cross-country group learning experience offered to students who have completed 10th, 11th, or 12th grade. Myron Blosser first led it in 1998 and has since been led by various faculty and staff. The trip was interrupted by Covid in 2021 but resumed in June 2023 with Julianne Ross and Jennifer Young as co-leaders with input from Lee Good. The program allows students to explore issues related to people, land, and water resources while traveling across the country. The program’s cornerstone is finding hope in people and places, and it is designed to be a life-shaping experience for its participants. We are so grateful to be able to offer this once-in-a-lifetime trip again for our students!

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