Trisha M. Blosser earns CFRE credential

Date: Monday, June 18, 2024 For Release: Immediate Contact: CFRE International   Trisha M. Blosser RECERTIFIED AS A CERTIFIED FUND RAISING EXECUTIVE (CFRE)  Alexandria, VA – CFRE International is proud to announce Trisha M. Blosser has recertified as a Certified Fund Raising Executive (CFRE). Trisha M. Blosser, Director of Advancement, Eastern Mennonite School is…

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Rhiannia Solomon – EMHS Class of 2024

Senior presentations are a capstone project for Kingdom Living, where students explore how to live the Jesus way. Justin King, High School Principal notes, “EMS literally gives students the mic and asks them: will you share your story about growing up, your experience at EMS, and your dreams for the future? And we listen! We…

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Class of 2024: New Beginnings

Thursday’s commencement concert featured the EMHS Orchestra, Symphonic Band, and Jazz Band with senior vocalist, followed by Middle School Chorale, Chamber, and Touring Choirs. The 100+ mass choir joined together to sing “And the Glory” from Handel’s Messiah to close. It was a beautiful way to come together and begin the celebration of the senior…

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Go and bless, Nathan Hershberger, ‘08

As the year comes to a close, senior officers Sophie Hendrick and Gabe Stoltzfus welcomed Mr. Hershberger to speak during chapel. This year the senior class chose Mr. Hershberger to give the closing chapel. The class truly valued the lessons and messages he has taught them over the years. The seniors asked him to reflect…

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