In the task-oriented world of school we, at EMS, choose to gather as a community three times a week to build the core of who we claim to be.
In chapel we seek to create spaces of belonging and thriving; spaces that train our eyes, and our very being, to see and participate in God’s work in the world.
Chapel and other formational spaces at EMS create the communal imagination and insight to listen and watch for God’s work in the world. Our classes and education give us the skills to respond.
Together we celebrate achievements, lament loss, and broaden our understanding of the world and our place in it.
- When we read scripture together we bind ourselves to a much larger story and recognize one another as participants in this story as it continues to unfold.
- When we sing together we recognize that while one voice is beautiful, voices together create something so much more than the sum of its parts.
- When we pray together we gently hold each other’s vulnerabilities and reach out to God.
Join us
We welcome alumni, area pastors, and friends as Chapel speakers regularly. If you would like to offer to speak, please complete this online form and our Chapel Planning Committee will review your proposal. Thank you!
The Chapel schedule is posted at Everyone is welcome to view chapel services on the EMS Chapel Youtube channel. Usually chapel is livestreamed at that link. Chapels that are approved for public sharing can be found on the YouTube site indefinitely. Subscribe to get a notification when a new video is posted.
Guests are welcome to attend Chapel. Park in front of the school and enter through the glass doors to sign in at the main office. Doors to the auditorium are locked during the school day. Call 540-236-6000 with questions.
In recent years...
The 2023-2024 chapel series followed the revised common lectionary of scriptures studied in faith communities throughout the world. Every student, 7-12th grade participated as a leader in chapel at least once.
"Community" was our theme for Chapel for the 2022-23 school year.
"Faith at Work" was the theme for Chapel for 2021-22, a year in which students watched from their classroom as well as the auditorium until January 2021 when we returned to gathering in the auditorium, spaced apart, but happily in one room again.
"This is my story," was the theme for 2020-21, a year in which Chapel for grades 6 to 12 took place by video or live stream in classrooms simultaneously due to COVID-19 distancing.
"Sabbath" was the theme for chapel during the 2019-20 school year. Read an article about a week of special activities.