Message from the Head of School


Whether you are a prospective student or parent, alumnus or community member, we appreciate your interest in our school!

At EMS, we:

  • honor God and look to the life of Jesus Christ as our model for how to love and treat others.
  • know our students as uniquely created in God’s image.
  • nurture each student and staff member's physical, intellectual, spiritual, emotional, and social well-being.
  • challenge students to explore, read, research, and analyze information as critical thinkers for a lifetime of active learning.
  • empower students to dream, collaborate, practice integrity, and take risks as they develop leadership skills.
  • raise awareness about global complexities.
  • encourage volunteerism and service to others.
  • build positive relationships among all people through creative, respectful, and restorative practices.
  • strive for excellence in academics, emphasizing the arts in a faith community of learning.

We are a learning community rooted in the Christian faith in the Anabaptist-Mennonite tradition. We value a community of believers discerning together where all voices are welcome, heard and respected.

To learn more about Mennonite education and the values practiced in our school, please refer to this document from the Mennonite Education Agency. Or, better yet, come visit... All are welcome to experience the EMS difference!

Paul G. Leaman, Ph. D.

Head of School