High School

Imagine a high school where...

  • academic rigor is built around each student's unique gifts and passions rather than a one-size-fits-all model of multiple choice testing.
  • restorative practices meet discipline and accountability, emphasizing the inherent worth and dignity of each student.
  • each student has a place to belong.
  • teachers are empowered to teach in a way that called them to the profession in the first place.
  • art and music are part of the core curriculum.

Imagine a high school whose mission statement and faith foundation calls students to serve others and to a life of integrity.

These are just some of the dreams we are working to make reality every day.

Come join us!


Justin King
Secondary Principal

Experiential Learning

Chemistry lab
Mennonite Disaster Service E-term, Grundy, Va., 2021
  • Our high school curriculum incorporates hands on work, often with data collection, analysis, summary, presentation and reflection of content in all areas. Students develop critical thinking and writing skills An internship program offers hands-on experience as well.

In addition to school day, high school students are required to participate in at least one Experiential Learning Course off campus.

  • E-Term takes place each spring. Students select from a variety of experiences with a mix of students across grades. Destinations include the local community and far beyond. It's a time to learn together, build new friendships, and gain insights.
  • Summer Discovery trips are offered every other year for three- to four-weeks across the United States learning about water and land resources.
  • A Touring Choir trip to several European countries every other summer offers performance opportunities in cathedrals and local churches, cultural exploration and faith development.

The Arts

EMHS Messiah 2023-105_2000x1334
Fiddler on the Roof, winter 2024
  • High school music program includes:
    • More than 50% of students 9-12 play an instrument at school
    • Guitar class
    • Junior choir, grades 8-10
    • Senior choir, grades 11-12
    • Auditioned Touring Choir and Chamber Singers with biannual international travel
  • Student-led a capella groups and worship band
  • Musical theater productions
  • Orchestra and Band
  • Jazz band and ensemble
  • Digital recording class
  • AV operator training
  • In the visual arts, we offer two-dimensional and three-dimensional art education including drawing, painting, sculpting, ceramic pottery, printmaking and digital photography. Art club options are also available.

Faith Community

Debbie Katz, high school counselor, with students
10th grade service at Gift and Thrift, winter 2023
  • High School students take part in a 20-minute chapel service for grades 6-12 three times a week. Students often lead or participate in chapel music, help with planning and sometimes speak.
  • Students meet Bible class requirements with classes such as Kingdom Living as a senior.
  • Community Service Projects throughout our community and others: Students in National Honor Society, the We Serve club, and Every grade participate in Community Service projects throughout the school year, preparing treats, music, and more to share.
  • Neighbor Clubs: made up of about 10 students who meet weekly to share in conversation and support.

AP and Honors Classes

AP and Honors Courses
Advanced Music
Analytical Writing
Biology (AP)
Calculus (AP)
Chemistry (AP)
English Literature and Composition (AP)
Scientific Research Methods Statistics (AP)
World History (AP)
Dual Enrolled Robotics I-IV
Global Anabaptism
US History
Creative Writing
Global Christianity
World Issues
Kingdom Living
World History
Organic Chemistry

Optional Honors
Algebra II
English 9 & 10 (2nd semester)
Short Fiction
Anatomy & Physiology
Environmental Science
Spanish III, IV


Dual Enrolled Robotics I-IV
Global Anabaptism
US History
Creative Writing
Global Christianity
World Issues
Kingdom Living
World History


Organic Chemistry

Visiting is the best way to get a sense of our learning community.

Looking for the EMHS alumni page? Go to .easternmennonite.org/alumni/homecoming/.