Save the date!
Homecoming 2025: October 17 and 18
- Five-year reunions for graduates of classes ending in 5 and 0.
- Alumni, faculty and staff, students and families are welcome to all events
- Update your contact information to be sure you receive our monthly emailed Flames Report, Homecoming information, and TODAY
- Stock up on your Flames wear! Your order will be shipped directly to you. Shop
- Registration will open in the fall of 2025.
EMS Homecoming 2025
Friday, October 17
- Chapel, EMS Auditorium, 10:30 a.m.
- Homecoming Picnic, Location TBD, 5 p.m. *
- All are welcome!
- Reserved tables on request, for reunion gatherings
- Former faculty and staff reserved table
- Homecoming Concert, EMS Auditorium, 7 p.m.
- All are welcome to attend
- Instrumental and choral ensembles
Saturday, October 18
- Homecoming Breakfast, EMS Dining Hall, 8:30 to 10 a.m. **
- All are welcome.
- Reserved tables on request, for reunion gatherings
- Paul Leaman, Head of School, will share
- Hear from the alumni whose stories we are celebrating this weekend
- Self-Guided Building Tours, 10 a.m. to 5 p.m.
- Through the upper building (Grades 6-12)
- Girls J.V. and Varsity Volleyball vs. Broadway
EMS Gym, 11 a.m. and 12:30 p.m.- All are welcome to attend
- Alumni and guests have free admission
- Varsity Boys Soccer vs. Hargrave
EMS Soccer Fields, 3 p.m.- All are welcome to attend
*Registration is recommended
**Registration is required
Throughout the weekend -- Reunions for classes ending in 5 and 0 as planned and promoted by classmates
Photo disclaimer: EMS staff will take photos and video footage during Homecoming Weekend. Please be aware that by attending activities, you consent to being photographed and video recorded and your image may used by EMS for future promotional, publicity, and editorial purposes.