14th Peace Parade Marks International Day of Peace

septiembre 25, 2019 / Andrea Wenger
Fifth graders lead the 2019 Peace Parade with a dove puppet the school has used for 15 years.
Los estudiantes de quinto grado lideran el Desfile de la Paz de 2019 con una marioneta de paloma que la escuela ha utilizado durante 15 años.

Fifth grade students at Eastern Mennonite Elementary School led the annual Peace Parade for their schoolmates on Monday, Sept. 23.

It was the 14th year that older students planned and led the parade featuring a super size peace dove puppet. Students carried origami paper cranes.

The United Nations International Peace Day was the previous Saturday, September 21. Elementary School families enjoyed a night of international dances together on Friday evening at Park View Mennonite Church to celebrate. Joy Anderson, music teacher, led the dances.

Established in 1981 by unanimous United Nations resolution, the International Day of Peace “provides a globally shared date for all humanity to commit to peace above all differences and to contribute to building a culture of peace,” according to the program’s website.

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