K-5 Team Visits Building Renovation

septiembre 6, 2019 / Andrea Wenger
Elementary teacher and staff get a look at EMES building renovations. Left to right: Jen Stoltzfus (office manager), Maria Archer (principal), Erika Gascho (5th grade), Heidi Byler (3rd grade and administrative leader), Hannah Bailey (1st grade), Susan Stoltzfus (2nd grade), Erin Williams (art teacher and K assistant), Emily Moyer-Warren (reading specialist), Lynette Mast (K) and Gini Trotter (front, peacebuilding, garden and counseling services)
Los maestros y el personal de primaria echan un vistazo a las renovaciones del edificio de EMES. De izquierda a derecha: Jen Stoltzfus (gerente de oficina), Maria Archer (directora), Erika Gascho (quinto grado), Heidi Byler (tercer grado y líder administrativa), Hannah Bailey (primer grado), Susan Stoltzfus (segundo grado), Erin Williams (profesora de arte y asistente de K), Emily Moyer-Warren (especialista en lectura), Lynette Mast (K) y Gini Trotter (frente, consolidación de la paz, jardinería y servicios de asesoramiento)

Our elementary teachers and staff took advantage of early dismissal on September 5 to visit the elementary building, as renovation reaches the final stages.

Mike Stoltzfus, director of business affairs, updated them as he led the tour. Teachers began to dream about their classroom space taking shape, identifying where they would want their whiteboard or shelves hung, and how they were going to use “all that storage and workspace!”

Proximity to restrooms, deep window sills for “lots of plants” and other details brought energetic excitement to the team.

The building renovation is on track for the school to receive certificate of occupancy in mid October. A team of teachers, administrators and staff is planning for a K-12 “Making History Day” event in mid November when students of all ages will help with moving supplies and furniture into the finished rooms.

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