Kindergartners Put New Kitchen to Work

diciembre 17, 2019 / Andrea Wenger

Baking cinnamon rolls with a group of kindergarten students is a project that elementary PE teacher Kendal Bauman couldn’t resist.. especially since there is a brand new teaching kitchen involved.

On their third full day in the newly renovated elementary building, the kindergarten students enjoyed working with Mr. Bauman to create his mother’s special cinnamon roll recipe, one that he now uses in his own family.

“When my mother baked, she always made extra,” Bauman recalls. “She was — and still is — very generous with her baked goods, and I like to continue that tradition.”

Co-workers have benefited over the 24 years that Kendal has worked at the school, enjoying not only cinnamon rolls, but other goodies including dill bread and rhubarb platz, a traditional Mennonite coffee cake common in Kendal’s Canadian home community.

The cinnamon roll project resulted in enough to share with the kindergarten class and elementary teachers.

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