Elementary Online Community: Fun and Challenging for All

Older students reading on video to younger book buddies. A photographic nature walk. Students sharing photos of helping at home, kitchen creations, completed assignments. “Show and tell” via Zoom or image folder. One-on-one FaceTime sessions.
These samples of the hundreds of interactive hours of content created by EMS teachers in the last month of online learning show dedication and commitment to building a true virtual community during the COVID-19 closure.
“Staying connected even though we are apart takes a combination of student interest, parent involvement, and teacher guidance. Some days ‘click’ for everyone, and other days are harder,” observes Maria Archer, EMS K-8 principal. “Our goal as teachers is to meet families where they are at.”
“We recognize parents are juggling working from home and having their children out of normal routines,” continues Archer. “Our students miss each other and their teachers. Face-to-face interaction, with online meetings or videos, helps students stay more engaged in learning and each other, and confirm that they remain a part of the EMES community.”
The whole K-5 community continues to share a weekly experience through Archer’s “Gathering” videos, which include a story or school tradition, such as the annual Easter week passion walk. See the videos
Lynette Mast‘s kindergarten connections include a weekly Zoom gathering. “This week we all shared something and then drew together using a ‘how to draw’ site that one student wanted to do with his friends,” she says. Mast, or one of the other teachers, reads a book on video each week, she offers FaceTime one-on-one session. “They love to show me the things they are doing.” That may be family activities, something in their home or a result of materials she has placed in their online learning folder of original videos and activities.
Hannah BaileyEl programa virtual show and tell invita a cada estudiante a compartir un elemento y una descripción en una carpeta de Google para que "puedan mostrar en qué están trabajando en casa y los productos terminados de las cosas que les he asignado", dice. "Las imágenes han estado llegando a raudales y simplemente me calientan el corazón".
Heidi Byler, maestra de tercer grado y líder del equipo de primaria, organiza una reunión grupal semanal de Zoom. Es un espacio para mantenerse al día con la tradición del círculo de cumpleaños en el que cada persona dice algo que aprecia acerca de la persona que cumple años. “Los estudiantes de tercer grado se toman esto muy en serio”, señala Byler, “y este es el regalo que nos hacemos unos a otros. Estoy muy contento de que esto haya podido continuar incluso cuando estamos físicamente distanciados unos de otros”.
She also hosts smaller group meetings so she can focus on individuals fully. “It means you can see all their faces at one time even if on a tablet or Chromebook,” she’s learned. In these meetings, she notes she has had the privilege to:
– see many drawings and pieces of art created.
– watch an amazing dance routine.
– observe lots of virtual background switches.
– witness the softest-looking baby chick.
– listen to what they are playing and reading and making.
– learn about bike rides and backyard croquet games.
– leave the meeting and let them keep chatting, laughing, trying on Halloween costumes, eating snack and generally being completely goofy together.
“They are my hope, and I am even more grateful for them than ever before.”
Fifth grade students have been enjoying teaching each other during virtual class meetings, reports Erika Gascho. “So far, we’ve learned how to draw, how to code in Python, and laughed together during a make-up tutorial gone wrong,” she reports.
Students also created their own version of the hugely popular SGN (Some Good News) series on YouTube with John Krasinski. SGN responded to their Instagram post, “This is a teacher curriculum we can get behind!”
And, “the fifth grade teaching assistant, Mr. Elliot, is special to all” reports Gascho about the family dog.
Dirt Play Dough Recipe from Erin Williams, art teacher
Dirt Playdough
2 cups white flour
½ cup salt
2 tablespoon cocoa powder, optional
4 teaspoons cream of tartar
2 cups water
2 tablespoons vegetable oil
2-4 tablespoons used coffee grounds, optional
3 drops red food coloring
3 drops yellow food coloring
2 drops blue food coloring
1. Place all ingredients in a medium saucepan.
2. Whisk until smooth.
3. Heat over medium heat, stirring constantly with a wooden spoon until dough forms a clump.
4. Put playdough on a plate to cool, kneading occasionally so no crusty spots form.
5. Once playdough is completely cool, store in a lidded bowl.
Play suggestions
Fill small flower pots with dirt playdough then poke silk flowers into the playdough to create beautiful flower arrangements.
Use with construction vehicles.
EMS During COVID-19
See the latest news from EMS, including community life and learning during the coronavirus closure