All Welcome to Three Christmas Concerts

noviembre 15, 2021 / Andrea Wenger

All are welcome to three Christmas concerts at Eastern Mennonite School.

Sunday, December 12: Banda Walking Roots benefit concert for Mennonite Central Committee with EMHS Chamber Choir as guest performers. This concert will be livestreamed here.

Tuesday, December 14: EMHS Christmas Concert featuring the EMHS Symphonic Band, String Orchestra, Symphonic Orchestra, Jazz Band and Chamber Choir performing music of the season (approximately one hour).

Thursday, December 16: EMHS Choral Christmas Worship Service: Lessons and Carols featuring sing-along Christmas carols, a re-telling of the Christmas story, and performances by the EMHS Concert Choir, Touring Choir, and Chamber Choir (approximately one hour).

Each concert begins at 7 p.m. in the school’s auditorium, located behind the building at 801 Parkwood Drive, Harrisonburg. Admission is free with a freewill offering welcome on Dec. 12 to benefit the international relief and development work of Mennonite Central Committee.

To help prevent the spread of COVID, all guests are required to wear a face mask while inside the building.

Call the school’s office with questions, 540-236-6000.

Check out some more photos from this story

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  1. NancyG on diciembre 12, 2021 at 7:14 pm

    Intenté ver tu transmisión en vivo el domingo por la noche a las 7 p.m. El audio era tan malo que tuve que apagarlo. ¿Era solo mío?

    • Andrea Wenger on diciembre 13, 2021 at 9:27 am

      Lamentamos la dificultad. La respuesta técnica es que el sonido se distorsionó en las primeras canciones porque el audio proveniente del sistema del técnico de sonido de la banda estaba saturando el sistema EMS (demasiada señal de audio para que el sistema EMS pudiera manejarla, por lo que el sonido se distorsionó). Nuestro técnico pudo arreglarlo después de las primeras canciones, por lo que la mayor parte del concierto estuvo bien.

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