Strings Room Renovation A “Go”

9 de noviembre de 2021 / Andrea Wenger
Orchestra thank you

The EMS support network came out strong for an online auction that raised $24,232 to renovate the strings room in the school’s upper building.

“Whether a bidder, business sponsor, auction item donor, or committee volunteer, people came together,” said Trisha Blosser, development officer. “I’m continually amazed, and humbled, by what our school community can accomplish when we come together to do good.”

The online auction had initially been scheduled as a supporting effort to supplement a live dinner, program and auction. Due to COVID concerns, the committee cancelled the in-person part of the auction and focused energy on the on-line event.

Auction item donations came from alumni, businesses, EMS families, faculty and staff, who offered home baked goods and meals, artwork, services, and activity passes.

The strings room renovation is needed for both aesthetic and practical reasons. Moisture control challenges have left instruments both warped in the summer, and cracked in the winter. Read more and see videos here.

People who may still want to support the project, which will benefit more than 60 strings players in grades 6-12, can make a gift online aquí.

The parent auction planning team included Megan Holland (chair), Keri Hutcheson, Bob Kolodinsky, Cara Meixner, Julie Shank, Lauren Simmons and, Melinda Yoder. Staff members included: Trisha Blosser, Erin Hess, and Andrea Wenger.

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