Shekinah Painting Finds new Home
octubre 22, 2022 / Andrea Wenger

Gloria Diener (ex profesora de inglés), Esther Augsburger, Barbara Gautcher (profesora de arte durante 32 años) y Malea Gascho (actual profesora de arte) después de una Capilla de octubre de 2022 en honor a la contribución de Esther al programa de arte en EMS.
Eastern Mennonite School celebrated the contributions of Esther K. ’49 Augsburger in Chapel October 12, 2022 with a visit from the teacher who founded the EMS art program, her husband Myron, and former co-workers.
Esther launched the art program at EMHS in 1971, after graduating as the first art major from Eastern Mennonite College (now University). She went on to pursue her creative interests at a time when the broader church sometimes considered the discipline suspect. EMS is grateful for her legacy!
Family, friends, and former colleagues joined the service which included a blessing for the painting Shekinah. Esther originally created the piece for the former Chapel space (now known as the Commons). It was moved to the hallway entrance to the new auditorium in 2005 when the arts wing was constructed. This fall it was moved into the auditorium where it can once again draw viewers into a worshipful space.