Fan the Flame Online Auction Success

octubre 3, 2023 / Christine Coddington
EMS- FallAuction 2021-webbox

Our annual “Fan the Flame” online auction did not disappoint. The success of this auction is a testament to our community’s dedication to EMS.  $15,991 has been raised to date!  It’s not too late to “Raise your paddle”…make a gift toward improving safety measures within our school. These upgrades are vital for ensuring the well-being and security of our school community. 

The five day online auction featured a diverse array of over 75 items generously donated by various contributors, including EMS families, faculty, staff members, and local businesses. These items range from delightful home-baked goods to exciting mountain getaways and home upgrades, enticing bidders to participate and support our cause. 

We’d like to thank our corporate sponsors for their support; PBMares, Weaver’s Flooring America, Gaines Group Architects, Rockingham Insurance, Venture Builders Inc., AM Yoder & Co., LD&B Financial Group, and Anonymous.  We extend our heartfelt gratitude to everyone for their support and commitment to “fan the flame”. Together, we can make a meaningful difference 

Thank you for helping us fan the flame!

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