Celebración de 5to grado: Lo importante de EMES

mayo 30, 2024 / Christine Coddington

The 5th grade class, led by teacher Ms. Merridy Gnagey, wrote graduation reflections on their time at EMS. Highlights included field trips, camp out, and self-growth. As their classmates shared their reflections, smiles, and head nods happened as they remembered their shared experiences. What a great community of students.

Elementary school principal Maria Archer handed out character trait certificates. Each 5th grader had a unique trait that stood out throughout their years at EMS.

Closing the ceremony the 5th grader shared a poem that they wrote together:


The Important Thing About EMES

The important thing about EMES  

Is what it’s taught us in the past.  

About birds and their wings, and all kinds of things,  

It’s what EMES has taught us in the past.


The important thing about EMES  

Is teamwork, through thick and through thin.  

If we work together, in all kinds of weather,  

We’ll have teamwork forever again.


The important thing about EMES  

Is the people who come here to learn.  

They learn so much more than they bargained for,  

They come out, not strangers, but friends.


The important thing about EMES  

Is to be in the world, the outdoors.  

To be in the wonders our Creator has made,  

God, we cherish these wonders of yours.


The important thing about EMES  

Is that there are no walls, there’s no barrier.  

There’s nothing that’s meant to hold anyone back.  

We remember: The more, the merrier!


The important thing about EMES  

Is the world all together as one.  

If we’re all together, we’re never alone.  

We’re all one together at home.


The important thing about EMES  

Is the kindness that spreads all around.  

With smiles in the air, it’s everywhere,  

Everyone helps all the others.


The important thing about EMES  

Is that no one is ever alike.  

We’re different; that’s good.  

That’s how it should be,  

‘Cause it’s boring if we’re all alike.


The important thing about EMES  

Is that you’re you, and I’m me.  

We can play all together  

Forever and ever,  

As different as different can be.


The important thing about EMES  

Is what we’ll remember forever.  

We have tears in our eyes, as we say our goodbyes.  

We’ll never forget you – not ever!


We at EMS will never forget each student and the impact they have on our school. Supported by families, teachers, and peers, they step into the future with confidence and optimism. Congratulations to our rising 6th-grade class—may they shine brightly in the next chapter of their academic journey!


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