News Archives


Celebrating 8th Grade: A Journey of Growth and Achievement

Reflection of Easter

The Power of Words of Affirmation: From Teachers to Students

Restorative Justice practices: What is it not

Reflections on 2023

Celebrating 75 years – Christmas Fund Drive

Take Courage! Do Not Be Afraid! A Message from Paul Leaman

Anabaptist Research Winners

MDS Class Builds Walls and Future Volunteers

EMES Passion Walk 2023

Author, Pastor, Podcaster Jonny Rashid Coming to EMS

Come to Jesus: Godspell invitation

EMS and The Great Kindness Challenge

EMS Theater Presents: Godspell

EMS Explores World Cup Injustices

New Teachers Bring New Bible Curriculum

2022-23 Launches with Call to Widen the Circle

Set Your Spirit Free With Jazz at EMS

Community Service Day 2022

Civil Rights E-term: “You Are a Piece of the Puzzle”

Osheta Moore: You are Beloved

Peace Pledge Sets Tone for Year Ahead

“Faith at Work” is Theme for 2021-22 Chapel and Gathering

Principals’ Message in a Time of Chaos and Confusion

EMS Sends Boost to DC-Area Food Bank

Roth Calls Graduates to “Embrace the Discomfort”

EMS Virtual Choir Shares Music with More Than 30,000

EMS is #FlamesStrong in Online Mode

An Open Letter: To EMS Athletes from Andrew Gascho

EMS Responds to COVID-19, #FlamesStrong

Spanish Students Share Hope With Immigrant Children

Students Join with VMRC to Knot MCC Comforters

Regina Horst ’81 Chacha Shares City of Hope

Chapel Series Inspires on MLK themes

Sixth Grade Project Explores “Who Am I?”

Film on Teens and Mental Health at Eastern Mennonite School Feb. 19

Kindergartners Learn About Classmate’s Food and Culture

Students Support Restorative Justice Prison Ministry

Vietnam Stories Recovered Through Volunteers

“Sabbath” is Theme for Academic Year

Faith Formation: A K-12 Experience

Discovery 2019 — Student Reflections

The Holy Spirit: A Year of Reflection in 2018-19

More than 250 Serve During Community Service Day

Student-led Spirit Week Raises More Than $2,000 for Community Services Board

Steps Out of ‘Comfort Zone’ lead Nathan Hershberger to Young Alum Award 2018