A Writing Legacy Blowin’ in the Wind

By Leah Huyard '17

For readers of Today magazine, the word Windsock may spark different feelings. For some of you, “What is Windsock?” and for others, “Hey, that’s my old school newspaper!” Did you know that it’s back after a three year hiatus?

When Erin Rhodes ‘16, Rachael Brenneman ‘17 and I made the decision to start up Windsock again I don’t think any of us realized what we were getting ourselves into. We had no idea what we were doing, but thanks to Mrs. Mary Cranston, our faculty advisor and English teacher, we learned how to write as journalists, how to recruit fellow students to join our ranks, and how to print and publish issues. We also didn’t realize that by involving ourselves with the school newspaper, we had immersed ourselves into a legacy of student journalists and writers that had gone down in “the underside of history,” as EMS history teacher Mr. Elwood Yoder often says.

I am proud to be a part of this legacy and I hope that the work we have done will inspire students to continue this tradition. You can pick up a copy of Windsock at the EMS Main Campus, or read it online. Go to: www.emhs.net and pull down to “Windsock” under the QuickLinks menu.

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