Since teaching his first digital photography class at EMHS in 2012, Andrew Gascho has developed a communication technology program offering:
- 7th grade digital literacy,
- 8th grade digital projects,
- digital photography I,
- digital photography II,
- Photoshop,
- 3D printing,
- and photography independent study.
Gascho, who has a BA in communications and photography from Eastern Mennonite University, built on a program begun with one camera and a single digital photography class taught by long-time art teacher Barbara Gautcher.
Since then, Gascho has added two cameras per year, building up an equipment closet that includes 12 SLR cameras each with a 50mm lens, a 100mm macro lens, an 8mm Fisheye lens and a 70-200mm lens for sports and event photography.
“We use cameras from the Canon professional series,”explains Gascho. “Some are the exact model I used when I was shooting for The Hill newspaper in Washington D.C., during college. Our students are getting experience with the same equipment that professional photographers use.”

Harriet King ’21 and Halie Mast ’21 on the “other side” of the camera during the Christmas photo booth. Photo by Andrew Gascho.
Student interest has grown along with the program. Harriet King ’21 and Halie Mast ’21 wondered if they could continue to grow as photographers through independent study after they had completed digital photography I and II as freshmen.
Mr. Gascho said yes and “set us loose,” they report. This fall, they used the macro lens and props to capture images up close such as fall leaves and splashing water. They also learned about light painting and shadow box photography.
And then, when alum and area educator Nathan May ’00 donated a light kit to the school, Gascho presented them with another opportunity. “My style of teaching is project based,” said Gascho, “so I gave them everything in the kit and said ‘set it up’.” After a bit of a “wide eyed look,” they “went to it.”
Trying all kinds of things with stands, backgrounds and flashes – as well as trial and error – the young artists figured out correct camera settings for professional images.
Now, Gascho has all his photography II students set up the studio from scratch. After a group is done with their studio week, he tears it down for the next group.
As part of their Twelve Days of Christmas celebration, the student council approached Mr. Gascho about setting up a photo booth for lunch one day. Halie and Harriet stepped in, naturally. “It has been rewarding to see students take hold of something they had no experience in and take chances and become ‘studio experts’,” reflects Gascho.
In addition to his role as communications technology department chair, Gascho also:
- oversees the school yearbook,
- coaches girls varsity soccer,
- gathers images for the school’s communications efforts,
- supports the school’s social media outreach,
- is graphic designer for the athletics program,
- and provides technology support for school operations, together with Mike Stoltzfus, director of business operations